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Age of Mythology Download Ita Completo Mac UPDATED

Age of Mythology Download Ita Completo Mac

Age of Mythology: The Titans

The Age Of Mythology series has e'er been a reassuringly dependable RTS, the strategy equivalent of a cup of cocoa and a pair of fluffy slippers. Notwithstanding, Ensemble wasn't content to rest on its well-established award with Historic period Of Mythology, and instead dug deep into its RTS pockets to bnng us a beautiful, finely tuned game with a host of weird and wonderful creatures pulled straight from the pages of a book on mythology.

The Titans expansion pack focuses mainly on a new civilisation, the Atlanteans, led past Kastor, the son of Arkantos, the hero from the original game. In the meaty single-player campaign, the tale of the Atlanteans is spread over 12 missions, all of which are neatly designed and more than a match for anything in the original game.

New Toys On The Block

Part of this is due to the broad range of new features and tilesets Microsoft has added to the in-game editor - the flourishing AoM modding community will take nothing to complain near when they see all the new toys they've got to play with. In fact, the developers do seem to accept paid quite a bit of attention to the multiplayer side of Titans. Equally well as polishing upwardly the online interface, they've also included a number of Al 'personalities', with unique playing styles that mimic the methods of real-life opponents.

Greek Chic

The Atlanteans themselves are like a more interesting version of the Greeks, who personally I've always plant to be quite dull compared to the showy and frantic Egyptians and the Norse. They come consummate with their own prepare of major Titan gods; Kronos, Oranos and Gaia, plus ix small-scale gods.

The various Titan god powers and the Atlantean features add some very interesting strategic twists to the game. For instance, all their buildings come replete with a fourth dimension shift ability, which allows them to be moved to unlike parts of the map. The vortex god power literally sucks all your armed forces units up and drops them in one place. The Atlanteans besides back-scratch favour with their chosen gods past taking over town centres rather than praying at temples, building relics or fighting, making them much more of a territory conscious side to play.

Unfortunately at that place are very few changes to the existing sides, but the key addition is a giant creature for each side -monstrous beings that can cause enormous amounts of damage. When you've managed to create i of these Titans they will roam near the map trigger-happy things up and fighting each other like a Japanese monster moving picture.

Overall this is a great value expansion pack. The singleplayer entrada is very satisfying, the new race has some very interesting potential for online games and the new Titans are superb fun, if not particularly subtle. With typical Ensemble aplomb, Age Of Mythology has just received a titanic new charter of life.

Download Age of Mythology: The Titans


Organisation requirements:

  • PC uniform
  • Operating systems: Windows ten/Windows 8/Windows seven/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Atlantis has fallen, but don't count the Atlanteans out simply nonetheless. Though their homeland has fallen beneath the waves, the survivors of Atlantis have constitute new gods to worship: the Titans. Using the powers bestowed upon them by Oranos, Kronos, and other deities, the Atlanteans are poised to avenge themselves against Olympus and the gods of the other nations; the Norse and the Egyptians. But is vengeance the goal of the Atlanteans' or the Titans themselves? Age of Mythology: The Titans is a well scripted and excellent addition to the original game. A new race with new gods to worship, a series of new and exciting powers, and a whole slew of units to command, The Titans does an admirable job of continuing in the rich tradition of Historic period titles.

The Titans looks to have been thoroughly play-tested, as there announced to be little to no flaws in its execution. Even non-Age players volition quickly pick upward the intuitive control set up, and control of units is every bit easy as the previous Historic period titles. Graphics are merely as nice as the original, and several of the new units were a solid improvement, even from Age of Mythology itself. Sounds and in game music were also very well washed, with few exceptions.

The Titans does have some niceties all its own. The Atlantean basic unit, the Denizen, is quite an excellent add-on. Though more than expensive than its Greek, Viking and Egyptian counterparts, Citizens (with donkey in tow) accept no demand for town centers or storage units, since whatsoever item they harvest goes instantly into your puddle of avails. The new gods bachelor and their available powers also adds a new dimension and depth to the game.

But perhaps the depth has added a Starcraft: Broodwars type of flaw? I'll admit, the Fourth dimension Shift addition to the Atlanteans looks good and is fun to employ in single histrion fashion, merely it'due south more than of a worry to see how it turns out when a well-defended Greek base of operations suddenly has an army of Atlanteans inside the walls' My but other complaint would be vox acting for scripted characters. Did they get Chucky's dad from Rugrats to do voices? It'due south bad in some spots, terrible in others.

In short, making an improver to this type of game is always a bit iffy as far every bit game balance is concerned, but the finished product is both challenging, fast-paced, and most importantly, fun. I've already spent way besides much time playing this game, and about RTS fans will be spending just every bit much time with this title as I have. Highly recommended to gamers of all stripes.

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Age of Mythology Download Ita Completo Mac UPDATED

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