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How to Get Over 500 Gear Divbison 2 UPDATED

How to Get Over 500 Gear Divbison 2

The Division 2 endgame has a soft start at level xxx which pretty much serves as preparation for the upcoming content such as the Dark Hours raid. One of the goals is to achieve the maximum gear score, and these tips should assist y'all do information technology.

To clarify immediately, Gear Score is not that important in The Sectionalization 2, since a proper mix of talents, brand set bonuses and attributes can be much more than influential. For example, an amanuensis with a proper build at 480 gear score will easily outperform some other one with 500 gear score but an incomplete build.

Nonetheless, equal builds at 480 and 500 gear score are visibly different, and then if you want to get the maximum out of your items when Night Hours comes, you lot will want to maximise those numbers.

Without further ado, we will start off as a fresh level thirty. From here until World Tier 5, having a proper build comes secondary. Information technology is nice to grab gear with Impairment to Elites and damage bonuses for whatever weapon y'all are using whenever it'due south possible, only almost e'er prioritise items with higher gear score.

They might not perform as well, but the more than high gear score items you accept in your inventory and stash, the higher the chances of getting items with even higher gear score. Y'all tin consult past The Sectionalization 2's senior game designer himself for boosted description if you need it.

In essence, if you have an item with gear score higher than yours and y'all don't demand it - don't sell, donate or salve it. Let it be in your inventory and go rid of it once you lot pass its gear score.

Ubisoft Picture of a Control Point Officer menu in The Division 2 The Sectionalisation ii - Command Indicate Officer

The easiest way to go gear score 350 and progress to World Tier 2 is past liberating Control Points and annexation the supply room. This should exist done later you've visited every bachelor vendor though. Just buy the highest gear score items you can discover on vendors and and so commencement looting Control Points, so the numbers go up quicker.

Once your gear score reaches 300, you should get-go doing the invaded missions and Nighttime Zone. The latter is definitely the most lucrative manner of getting higher tier items, but it's risky considering rogues tin gank you. Still, if they exercise, you volition only lose any contaminated items you carry.

Near of the items you get from clearing landmarks and patrols are not contaminated, however, so you run no adventure of losing those. Once y'all accomplish rank 10 in Dark Zone, visit the officer in White House to pick up the perk that volition grant yous a gratis item in Dark Zone safehouses every 24 hours.

While 350 is recommended for progressing to the next World Tier, the hard cap is at 325 but going into the stronghold also early might initially dull up your process in World Tier 2. You can echo this cycle up until World Tier five, where you volition enter the concluding stage of gearing up - from gear score 450 to 500.

Invaded Control Points are a decent source of loot, I would suggest going to the Dark Zone regardless. Grab an LMG and clear those landmarks for a pile of quick loot. Any loot you lot don't need, merely outright sell it. Once you lot take enough credits, check all the vendors effectually for the highest gear score items you lot tin pick up.

Ubisoft Picture of an Mk 17 in The Division 2 The Division ii - Mk 17

If you are sick of Dark Zone by now, you tin can as well do bounties. They come in various difficulties, so pick the ones that fit you the best. They are a dandy source of acquirement too, so if the items you gain as rewards don't prove to be enough, you will still have a pile of credits to spend on vendors who will quickly boost your gear score.

I suggest checking the so you tin can immediately figure out what to buy every bit well as and then you lot can find Cassie Mendoza, who is normally selling an particular or two with gear score over 490. Buy whatever item happens to exist over 490 initially and if you don't need it, put it in your stash.

Just keep in mind you should always get rid of items whose gear score you featherbed and always chase the highest number.

Once you reach gear score of 497, your Field Proficiency Caches should be guaranteed to honor 500 gear score items and most of the regular drops in Nighttime Zone, Control Points, bounty and mission rewards should also be "perfect".

Ubisoft Picture of Kendra's Liberty Desert Eagle in The Division 2 The Division 2 - Liberty

Oh and one trick you can do as before long as you hit Earth Tier 5 - , yous will already accept the first component from the invaded stronghold you but completed. If you lot kept upgrading your crafting bench all the way, you will be able to craft it at gear score 490.

Once you do, the White House vendor volition have a blueprint that will let you to upgrade the weapon to gear score 500 and you will, therefore, keep getting items with amend gear score all the fashion to 500. You volition demand an Exotic Component to upgrade it, which you can get by salvaging another Exotic.

If you accept been farming Nighttime Zone similar I suggested, chances are you already got Pestilence by now, which is a fairly bad weapon so don't feel bad nearly salvaging information technology in gild to upgrade Liberty.

From the moment y'all hit 495 gear score, you lot should actually focus on making a proper build instead of the gear score though. Dark Hours is coming out on 25 Apr 2019, then make sure you have a good PvE build by so since Ubisoft stated this will be an extremely challenging raid, so any edge you tin become will be more than welcome.

A man with an axe running through a forest in SCUM

Ubisoft have revealed The Partition 2 gameplay along with the most of import info which fans were hoping was and that is the release date for Tom Clancy'south The Division ii. Ubisoft revealed that sequel is going to launch 15 March 2019.


How to Get Over 500 Gear Divbison 2 UPDATED

Posted by: jimsuman1960.blogspot.com

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